

Dwayne Burns (Co F) was an accomplished artiest who focused on C-47 Skytrain aircraft and the paratroopers that they carried.  In this piece he portrayed three aircraft over the bocage of Normandy while three P-51 Mustangs are flying CAP (Combat Air Patrol) as protection.



Gust Thompson, a member of Company F, amongst those who jumped into Normandy on June 6, 1944. His niece, Jackie Knott related that Gust had told her: "He was separated from his unit and after several days reunited with some other paratroopers. Six of them tried to find their way to their unit and were captured. Gust said the Germans came at them so fast [that] a shotgun would have been more effective than a rifle. Gust told us the Nazis lined them up against a hedgerow and assassinated five ... Gust was the last one. A Nazi officer drove up and ordered them to take Gust prisoner. He spent the remainder of the war in Stalag 7B. "

The items depicted in this painting created by Jackie in memory of her uncle  contains many items of significance.  In her own words, "My brother, Col. Jerome A. Watson (retired), went to Normandy in 1994 for the 50th anniversary of the invasion and tried very hard to convince our uncle to come with him. He told him, 'Jerry, I just can't.' So, my brother went by himself and returned with two cases of commemorative wine. You will note the labels and the years. In his stellar career

Jerry is also a military historian. He pulled out several books on the 508th [as well as] The Battle for Mortain, Ridgeway's Raiders, etc. That book is opened to the map where Gust was captured. You will recognize the patches as significant to the battle, plus the clicker.

The Nazi flag is the very one Gust brought back with him from the war. The brown postcards in the desk are the actual postcards Gust sent to his sister from Stalag B. One mentions the whole barracks sharing one loaf of bread. We were stunned when these things turned up in Gust's personal belongings.

You see, had Pvt. Gust A. Thompson not survived D-Day, he would not have "been there" for us when our mother died. Gust raised me until I joined the AF. He influenced my brother to pursue a military career, and subsequently his son and daughter. This painting hangs in my brother's home in VA."



  508th Souvenir Platter that appeared on eBay.  The owner, Earl Nichols is not currently identified in available 508th records.  If you have any information regarding him, please write to Jumpmaster



The lead figurines shown here were acquired by Harold Eby (Sgt. Major, Ret.) when the 508th was stationed in Heddernheim (Frankfurt Am Mein).

   Eby recently sent them to Joseph Synakowski of Grand Island, New York because he had no one to pass them on to.  Both men had been members of Co C (note the Company C Guidon in the photos) and served with the 508th from March 1946 until the regiment was deactivated in November 1946.  Although Synakowski was not with the 508th in combat, he was a proud member of the regiment during its stint as General Eisenhower's Honor Guard.

   Synakowski has now donated the figures to the Camp Blanding Museum in Harold Eby's name..


MARTHA RAYE - Truth and eFiction

The most unforgivable oversight of TV is that her shows were not taped.

This is a great story about a great woman. We were unaware of her
credentials or where she is buried.

Somehow I just can't see Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, or Jessica Simpson doing what this woman (and the other USO women, including Ann Margaret & Joey Heatherton) did for our troops in past wars. Most of the old time entertainers were made out of a lot sterner stuff than today's crop of activists and whiners.

The following is from an Army aviator who takes a trip down memory lane: "It was just before Thanksgiving '67 and we were ferrying dead and wounded from a large GRF west of Pleiku. We had run out of body bags by noon, so the Hook (CH-47 CHINOOK) was pretty rough in the back. All of a sudden, we heard a 'take-charge' woman's voice in the rear. There was the singer and actress, Martha Raye, with a SF (Special Forces) beret and jungle fatigues, with subdued markings, helping the wounded into the Chinook, and carrying the dead aboard. 'Maggie' had been visiting her SF 'heroes' out 'west'.

We took off, short of fuel, and headed to the USAF hospital pad at Pleiku. As we all started unloading our sad pax's [passengers], a 'Smart Ass' USAF Captain said to Martha.... Ms Ray, with all these dead and wounded to process, there would not be time for your show!

To all of our surprise, she pulled on her right collar and said '.....Captain, see this eagle? I am a full 'Bird' in the US Army Reserve, and on this is a 'Caduceus' which means I am a Nurse, with a surgical, take me to your wounded.'

He said, ' Yes M ‘am.... Follow me.' Several times at the Army Field Hospital in Pleiku, she would 'cover' a surgical shift, giving a nurse a well-deserved break.

Martha is the only woman buried in the SF (Special Forces) cemetery at Ft Bragg.

Hand Salute! A great lady.. 

Noonie Fortin, Martha Raye's biographer told that Raye was lovingly called "Colonel Maggie" but the rank of Lt. Colonel and membership of the Green Beret Special Forces unit were both honorary. The entertainer was also an honorary Colonel in the United States Marine Corps.

Fortin, who wrote "Memories of Maggie," also said that it was not uncommon for Ms. Raye to jump in to assist in caring for wounded serviceman throughout her history with the USO. Fortin said "She would often pull rank, pointing out the oak leaf or bird on her collar and Green Beret as well as the nurse's emblem. Likewise she often helped out in the surgical units and wards."

The Department of Defense issues non-military identification cards to civilians who accompany armed forces to present in the event of capture. Each card contains the person's name and vital statistics such as height, weight, eye color and blood type. The cards also have what is called a "Geneva Conventions category." Category IV issued to such volunteers which is a rank equivalent to majors, lieutenant-colonels, colonels.

Fortin told that "Maggie took it a step further and began wearing a uniform with the rank on it. As time progressed so did the honorary rank she held. By the time Vietnam ended she was a Lieutenant Colonel for the Army and Colonel for the Marines but wasn't really a member of either branch. Everything was honorary including the ribbons that she would often wear though some years later were actually awarded to her."

Raye received numerous awards and commendations from the military in appreciation for her years of service and in 1993, President Bill Clinton awarded the entertainer with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Raye died on the 19th October, 1994 and was buried among veterans of many wars at the Fort Bragg Cemetery in Fayetteville, NC. Special request had been made for her to be buried there since she wasn't military.

The Colonel Maggie web site is maintained by Fortin and has a impressive display of Martha Raye's biography and awards. [Click to visit the Colonel Maggie site]


Alvin Hagen's Memorial Brick

Co D, 508th PIR
memorial flag brick

Maker's Mark
Al & Carol Hagen's daughter-n-law, Minneapolis, MN Aug 30, 1997
[note the furniture protection pads in each corner ]



   This carved Red Devils emblem, the property of Robert Cheeseman of Naples, FL, was a souvenir of his service in Panama with the 1st Battalion, 508th PIR probably during Operation Just Cause, 1989



This glass paperweight belonged to Rex Combs (co A).  It appears to have a frosted surface and bears the etched images of the regiment number over infantry crossed rifles insignia and the parachutist badge with a single star implying that it may have been created following the Normandy jump.  Rex also jumped into Holland and would have earned a second star at that time.

(courtesy of Combs esate)



"U.S. Army - Then, Now, Forever" - 1940

The solders of word War II are compared to
the Revolutionary soldiers at Valley Forge

Artist: Woodburn

"We Clear The Way" - 1942

An Army engineer shoulders the sledgehammer
in his dual role as a soldier and builder

Artist: Schlaikjer

"Americans Will Always Fight For Liberty" - 1943

The solders of word War II are compared to
the Revolutionary soldiers at Valley Forge

Artists: Perlin and Martin



This poster for a War Bond Drive, which was signed by men as they bought one or more $25 bonds, would not only help America recover from its massive war debt  but had more personal implications, as it offered each entrant a chance for a quick ticket home.  The drive was conducted December 10 through 13, 1945

Grand prizes3 men would win an early ticket homeSecond prize1 would win a phone call to the home front on Christmas Day, 1945Third prizes8 men would win free trips to ParisRunners upand many others ...

We do not know who the winners were or what the "many other" prizes were but we suspect that the drive probably brought in quite a bit of money.



The photos of this commemorative mug were supplied by Sherri Brewer who is trying to determine its origin.  Unfortunately the maker's mark on the bottom of the mug is out of focus.
  Sheri tells us, however that the name BAUSCHER appears in the upper half of the oval and the city of WEIDEN appears in the lower half.  The center of the oval has a strike of a 'B' over a ''W'.  Sherri feels that this may refer to a glass plant in Weidenbaden.
   Anyone else have one like this and/or know more about it?  If so, please e-mail Sherri at

   "I also have the same stein,," wrote William F. Blum, Jr.  "My dad was in 'E' Co. 2nd Bn.  His stein had an "E" painted on the bottom, somewhat covering the pottery mark of Bauscher-Weiden.    There are two possibilities when my Dad may have acquired this stein;  during their stay in Frankfurt or after arrival home, as he was in "E" Co. both while in Frankfurt and during the deactivation Nov. 1946.
   In searching for Bauscher-Weiden, there was a  Bauscher Porcelain Works in Bavaria, a part of Hutschenreuther AG. From the late 1800's they made porcelain for the hotel and catering business. The mark on the bottom of the stein matches with this company.
   I'm sure there are others out there, both steins and the Troopers who can add to the history."

    Bob Chisolm, Company I, 508th, 43-46 adds the following: "My best recollection, as to the origin of these mugs, is as follows.  Our 508th Exchange in Heddernheim offered these for sale in mid 1946.  (I think that Lt Russell was the Exchange Officer at that time.)  They were very popular and a big seller.  I bought a dozen (still have six) and they had matching ash trays. The inscription, and manufacturers trade mark on the bottom is Bauscher/Weiden, in a circle with a B|W in a smaller circle.  I would agree that they were manufactured in Weidenbaden."   Jeff Combs, son of Rex Combs, wrote: This is the 508th ashtray that went with the set of 508th mugs. It is marked "BAUSCHER . WEIDEN"



S/SGT Harry L. Evans,  HQ HQ
brought home this unique flare shell that was engraved
by a French artisan. It is believed to be one of a kind.
(photos courtesy of Larry Evans)

Normandy June 6, 1944
is written over the canopy of a chute

LT [David] J. Tracey NY
MSgt James B. Smylie TX
Clifford W. Cole Jr. W VA
Sgt Harry L. Evans CA
SSgt Ernest S .Hubbard   Jr. NC
Sgt H .L .Kaiser  Jr. TX.

Names of
one officer and 17 enlisted men are engraved to the right of the chute (see list below)

 T/4 Jerry Morgan O 
Glenn E. Beitzel O
Cpl Fay H. Graham MI
Cpl Roland J. Jordy O
Fred Knight SC
Sgt John P Sweet IN

Home States of each man are engraved to right of their names. While most use typical two letter abbreviations, Ohio has but one letter

 Dave G. Wheaton NY
Edward E. Anderson PA
Frank J. Jahnke MD
Horton Newmark NY
Jack D. Richardson TX
Cpl  Clifford E. Rowell WI



James Wynne, HQ 1st, "liberated" a set of cards found on a German and has provided them for our use.  Since they were not only in German but in an old, formal dialect it has taken some time to find a translator.  We are fortunate to have the pro bono services of Gail Peterson who has graciously deciphered the text on these card for us.  Each card is displayed with its photo front and the text on its back.  Note that the large body of text, translated below, appearing in the center of each card is repeated and therefore only shown once.Photo groups 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 belong to the linen bound Album Nr. 8: “Germany Awakens”. The cover and book decoration were created by the SS Senior Assault Leader Felix Ulbrecht and the text was written by Wilfrid Bade, the author of the publication “The SA Conquers Berlin”. The Reichs-photojournalist of the National Socialist German Workers Party Heinrich Hoffmann contributed the film covering the Reich to the arrangement and undertook the artistic finishing of the reproductions. This book which contains numerous complete illustrations and the panorama of the regiment dedication (at Luitpoldhain 8/6/1933) during the last Reichs Party Day 1933 conveys the overwhelming power of the greatest events of our days.

These cards are but a portion of Album Number 8, entitled "Germany Awakens, Development, Struggle and Victory of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party or Nazis)"

My dear B_______ friend’s memory of the War Years 1940-
1940-4120.000 SA Troops (Hitler’s Storm troopers) march toward Toburg on the 10th Commemoration Day of the Liberation of Toburg from the Red Terror
Picture Nr. 77, Group 32In the mountains.  The Fuhrer bears a heavy burden.Picture Nr. 195, Group 30

 Hitler in the fortress cell at Landsberg (1924)
Picture Nr. 31, Group 32Chancellor and the worker hand in hand
Picture Nr. 162, Group 32The Fuhrer’s office in the Braun House in Munich (HQ of Nazi Party 1931-32)
Picture Nr. 48, Group 28

Hitler girls greet the Fuhrer on the occasion of the Campaign trip in Odenwald (1932)
Picture Nr.206, Group 30

A moment’s rest from work as the Fuhrer drives past
Picture Nr.163, Group 32On the Rhein River at Godesborg.
Next to the Fuhrer is Heinrich Hoffmann, the photo chronicler of the (Nazi) Movement
Picture Nr.182, Group 32

Casualties of the Movement
Picture Nr.55, Group 28

(Col.) Franz Ritter von Epp who freed Munich from the Red Terror, today [is] the federal representative from Bavaria
Picture Nr.36, Group 30

The Fuhrer SpeaksPicture Nr.95, Group 30Berchtesgaden summer visitors have waited for the Fuhrer an hour.
Picture Nr.205, Group 28Nuremberg (NSDAP) Party Conference at Congress Hall in the Luitpold Hall
Picture Nr.211, Group 30Prime Minister Hermann Goering as Guest of the Chancellor on the Obersalzberg
Picture Nr.198, Group 30

Fanfare of the Hitler Youth
Picture Nr.62, Group 32Marristic Town Councilmen are Arrested
Picture Nr.30, Group 30They fought for Germany’s Resurrection.  The Fuhrer greets wounded SA Troops
Picture Nr.54, Group 32

[Note Jim Wynn's handwritten comment of "A Superman, huh?"]

The Reich’s Youth Day in Potsdam (1932)
Picture Nr.67, Group 32A Warrior for the Third Reich
Picture Nr. 61, Group 28Two workers for Germany extend their hands to one another
Picture Nr.157 Group 32



Leaflets like this example were dropped by the thousands from German aircraft overlying U.S. Army lines.  While most of the men probably laughed at the message, but, for a few it may have added a little extra torment.(Click on either image to view a larger photo. )

 (courtesy of Sgt. Roger Kitchen's personal collection)



Brought home by Jonathan O'Hair, this pass was probably found amongst the belongings of a German soldier taken as a POW or who had been killed on the battlefield.




Air Corps
